Friday, February 23, 2007

vindage, vendage - What we are in the middle of !

Vindage, Vendage
AF; OF vendange < L vīndémia grape-gathering, ... (a wine from) the grape-harvest of a certain (particularly good) year. From Old English vindage, vendage, (Crop, Harvest, Produce, Product.
The quantity of grapes harvested from a vine or from a vineyard.
Source: European Union.

Etymology: Vintage \Vint"age\, noun. [Corrupted by influence of vintner, vintry, from Old English vindage, vendage, for vendange, Old French vendenge, French vendange, from the Latin expression vindemia; vinum wine, grapes demere to take off; de emere, originally, to take. See Wine, Redeem, and compare to Vindemial]. Source: Websters.


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