Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Watching the grapes grow

2008 has gotten off to a busy start, as it's been a non-stop summer for us, so much that often with working 7 days a week at the cellar door, we don't get time just to sick back and watch the grapes grow!! ... so I made effort to take out the camera and take a few shots, and sat back and enjoyed the view with a sip of Semillon (my favourite).

Sunday, February 10, 2008

Watch the Chardy grow ..

It is wonderful to sit back and watch the fruits of ones labour .... this is the Chardonnay block at Divers Luck, looking healthy and growing strong.

Tuesday, February 05, 2008

What's in a name?

Many ask us '... so why the name Divers Luck?'

Tony Adams the creator of Divers Luck Winery & Vineyard had a dream to grow grapes and make wine, but not just any old wine, Tony was focused on making only good quality wines, helped along by the careful selection of appropriate varieties such as Chardonnay, Shiraz and notably Chambourcin that cope well in the particular soil identified at the vineyard, and to prosper amongst the local coastal climate.

Once the dream was realised, a name for the label and winery was needed, immediately Tony chose 'Divers Luck', simply for 2 reasons; that Tony was a professional Abalone Diver, having been diving for around 30 years, so diving was his passion. And secondly when trying to sum up a name that was not only unique but also it had to be a relefction of his other lifes adventures and passion, the title name of a book 'Divers Luck' by Clarence Benham, which was also a great favourite on Tony's was a perfect fit.

Tony lived a wonderful adventurous life that saw one mountain conqured after another, and dreams always realised.
Today Tony's wife Hellen is the Winery Manager and son Damien the head Winemaker and Viticulturist. If you are dropping by the winery, some photos are on display of photos and collectables of Tony's diving experiences, along with Damien who also was an Abalone diver before studying Viticulture along with Tony.

Today Divers Luck Wines has won many Gold, Silver and Bronze awards, including a Gold 55points at the prestigious Rutherglen WIne Show, which is Australia's oldest wineshow, now in its 120th year.