Saturday, November 25, 2006

Behind The Scenes of Wine Making - What's NEW

The Barrels
Originally uploaded by diversluck.
Some of the wine barrels in holding at Divers Luck Winery, Cabernet 2006 Vintage, also Merlot and our new yet to be released in 2007 WHITE PORT.

Divers Luck wines are made on site in our winery by Damien, for the most part the red wines and fortified wines are kept in barrels until ready for bottling. This year Damien has branched out to create a new style of fortified wine, a 'White Port', for anyone who has tasted such a drop, will be delighted with this offering, on track for bottling in mid-2007.

For pre-orders to secure the pending 2007 limitied release of the new Divers Luck 'White Port', please contact Hellen or Damien.
Telephone : +61+2+49822471
Email :

Thursday, November 02, 2006

Medal News - Silver & Bronze for our CHARDONNAYS

Divers Luck are very pleased to announce our 2006 Medal success with our Chardonnays' at the 2006 NSW Small Winemakers Awards.

SILVER - 2004 Chardonnay
BRONZE - 2005 Chardonnay

All wines are now available for sale from the Cellar door direct or via Mail Order.